Monday, October 22, 2012

Reasons Not To Kill Yourself

Reasons to not kill yourself.

Don't let those who are trying to break you down win.

Maybe you think it is too late for you, too late for you too do something or for something to happen for you. Don't think it is too late. As long as you are still breathing, it is never too late to do anything. As long as you are still alive you can still make an effort to try. As long as you are still alive there is still a chance... it is never too late. Don't live your life by someone else's time table. Just because someone did something at a certain age or something happened for them at a certain age, doesn't mean it has to happen for you at that same time/age. No matter what your age, you are never to old to fall in love, make a new friend, enjoy life, to make new goals and accomplish them.

Believe in yourself. Sometimes we feel like no one else believes in us, so it is very important that we believe in ourselves. Instead of wanting to end your life, believe that you can overcome any obstacle.

Trust yourself, not because you have always made the right choices, but because you survived the bad ones. Think of some other bad times in your life or bad choices you made or a mistake you made, you made it through them didn't you?

Remember, the thoughts that you think and the statements you make regarding yourself determine your mental attitude. If you keep having negative thoughts it can affect your mental attitude. Maybe... you have a worthwhile objective, but instead of focusing on the many reasons why you think you wont be able to achieve it, focus on the one reason why can or the one reason why you should. Try to find at least one good positive reason amongst the many negative reasons you might have.
If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you. Sometimes change can be good and sometimes challenges can be good for you. Instead of fearing change and challenges try finding the positive in them. Don't end your life because you are going through some challenges, because change and challenges can help you learn and grow. Don't always expect everything to be easy.

Most of the problems in life are because of two reasons: we act without thinking or we keep thinking without reacting. Some things in life need some time to think about them and some things require action to go long with our thinking. Find solutions to a problem, find a better way to handling something. Find a way to deal with it, get through it, or accept it, but don't end your life because of it.

Maybe you are tired of feeling a certain way or you are having trouble letting go of someone. Maybe you have said or done some things you regret and wish you could take back. Don't kill yourself because of feelings like that. You may not be able to undo all the things you have said and done in the past, but you don't have to let your past define you your whole life. You can change and make positive improvements to do better. Others will see the positive improvements you have made in your life and admire that you overcame your past. Find people who can accept your past and not hold it against you and can see you for who you are now.
You can't please everyone. Not everyone will always like you or agree with you and it will just cause you A LOT of stress and worry trying to please everyone. Don't kill yourself just because someone else doesn't like you or agree with you about something.

Don't put limits on yourself. Putting limits on yourself, whether physical or otherwise can spill over into the rest of you life. Don't let whatever difficult time you may be going through put limits on yourself. Don't let tough times put limits on your life by wanting to end your life, keep pushing forward to the next level.  Don't limit yourself.

Strength doesn't come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn't. Maybe, you think you can't get through whatever it is you are going through and you think the only solution is to end your life. Instead try thinking of another bad time in your life that you once thought you couldn't get through, but you did get through it. If you got through that then try thinking that you can and that you will also get through whatever it is you are going through now in your life.

Sometimes the same things or people that use to be reasons that made you smile can become the same things and people that end up making you cry. That is no reason to kill yourself. It may be hard and may take some time, but you can find other people and other reasons to smile.

When you are tempted to give up on life, try thinking of at least one thing that you would miss if you would end your life. If you can at least think of one thing, one reason the not kill yourself, don't you think that one reason is worth living for? Don't focus on all the reasons why you want to end your life. Focus on the reason/s why you shouldn't, the things about life you would miss, the things that you will never get a chance to try or do again if you would end your life.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Fitness Motivation Links & Videos

I wanted to share a few fitness/nutritional articles and videos.


If you’re a man over 50 and not lifting weights, here are 7 good reasons you should be doing resistance training.

Men Over 50 Weight Training
Men Over 50 Can Transform with Weight Training
If you’re a man over 50 wanting a healthy, active lifestyle well into your senior years, strengthening your muscles is one of the best investments you can make.
Few things slow seniors down more than physical issues, particularly in the joints, bones, and muscles.
The great news is that you can do something about your health! An ongoing strength training program involving the use of free weights will help men over 50 build muscles supporting key physical functions, resulting in fewer limitations on their lifestyle well into their senior years.

Here are some key fundamentals to physical health for men over 50:
Go to this site the rest of the article for the 7 good reasons men over 50 should be doing resistance training.

A video that Alon Gabbay made talking about the stereotypes & bad things people say about bodybuilders. Check him out on youtube and subscribe to his channel.

Alon Gabbay writes fitness and nutritional articles on his website that you should check out.

Another great article I read is on post-work out recovery by Alon Gabbay at: Some people might think after they have gotten done working out that they are done and forget about recovery. Working out/exercise is suppose to challenge your body. You are putting your body through trauma/stress when exercising in order to change your body to get fit or to maintain your fitness/health. You put your body through a lot when you work out because working out is suppose to be challenging. But, after you get done working out your body needs fuel to help it recover from the workout. It is very important to consume a source of protein and simple carbs right after a workout at least within an hour, the sooner the better. Eat protein enriched foods, prepare a protein shake before hand, eat an apple or banana. Don't be afraid to eat after a workout. It is important to have a wholesome meal to give your body the nutrients it needs. Eating whole foods like chicken, fish, or beef are the best ways to give your body protein it needs. Eat other foods such as brown rice, yams, squash, spaghetti/pasta. Don't be afraid of all carbs they are not your enemy. Vegetables are also important to the recovery process. Dark leafy green vegetables such as kale, chard and collard provide a number of minerals such as magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, B-complex vitamins and anti-oxidants that complement the proteins you eat with adequate fiber and countless numbers of other yet identified phyto-nutrients that round off your health and feed your mitochondria (the all important energy center of your cells!)
Getting plenty of sleep also helps in the recovery process. Your body will not function properly if it is constantly running itself down. If you feel run down and too tired all the time you might not feel like working out or wont put in 100% effort into your workouts. So get plenty of rest.
Whether you are trying to gain muscle or lose weight the recovery process is very important for your body and making progress in seeing the results you want to see.
His article goes into it much more than what I wrote, so go check out his article on post-workout recovery:
Or check out his other articles:


Alon Gabbay's inspirational and admirable body transformation.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Motivational, Fitness, and Nutritional Quotes

Nicole Wilkins’ Nutrition Tip: It doesn’t matter how late you eat. What matters is what and how much you are eating. Carbs are for energy and we don’t need energy before bed. Stick to green vegetables, lean proteins and healthy fats before bed.
You don't have to avoid carbs because carbs give you energy. But, eating them at bedtime isn't a good idea, because it might cause or add to sleeping problems by giving you energy and you wont be able to sleep.
Nutrition chart (I hope it doesn't come out too blurry)

Drink plenty of water, it is good for you.

 after a binge...
to accomplish great things....

Belief in oneself is one of the most important bricks in building any successful venture...

 Instead of starving yourself, starve the negative thoughts that say you can't do this...
To succeed you must improve, to improve you must first practice, to practice you must first learn, and to learn you must fail.

Your mind will quit a thousand times before your body will.

only you can change your body
The only person you should be in competition with, is yourself.

If you want to change the results, then you must change the thinking and behavior that's responsible for them.

don't diet, just change your lifestyle

Never quit. If you fall... get right back up.

 You can't control how the other girls will look but you can control how you look and how you present yourself.

 Everyday is a new beginning....

Go for progress, not comfort.

rules to being amazing

 The woman that follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd.
 Life is like a camera...
 Nobody is impressed with how good your excuses are.
Be your own motivation.

 Replace negative with positive.
When you want to give up, just think of the people who would love to see you fail. Don't give them that pleasure!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Dear Ladies, Stop Letting A Number on A Scale Define You! Skinny Isn't Always Attractive, But Healthy, Fit, and Strong is Admirable!

I think being fit and strong is beautiful and admirable. I hear so many people, mostly women say they wish they were skinny or if only they could get down to a certain weight. They focus way too much on a number on a scale. Stop letting a number on a scale define you. You are so much more than that. Too many people focus too much on that number and wanting to be skinny instead of being more healthy, fit, and strong.

I think people should stop obsessing over being thin or a specific weight and just focus on getting healthier, in better shape, and stronger. Thin isn't always attractive. Being so skinny you look like a sickly walking skeleton or stick person and your face is sunken in, is not always a good look. In my opinion it is never good look. There is nothing wrong with having some meat on your bones, having some curves and some muscles. Instead of saying, "I want/wish I were skinny" or I want/wish I were thinner." Why not say, "I want to be healthier, or stronger, or in better shape."

I go to the fan pages of female athletes with muscles and I see rude comments posted on their pages/photos people insulting their body/muscles. People posts rude comments saying these women look like men, or look disgusting and gross. I recently seen some very mean comments on a Nicole Wilkins picture on her fan page on facebook. People were posting really mean things about her. Someone posted that if she put a paper bag over her head you wouldn't even know she was a woman. That was so awful and the person who posted it was an old out of shape woman... at least I assume it was a woman. Most the rude comments came from out of shape, frumpy, obese looking people and yet they insult someone for putting effort into working out and taking care of their body. I thought the woman that made the paper bag comment had the audacity to insult Nicole Wilkins body saying she looked like a man. I wanted to say some rude things about that Carol woman that made the comment but I will refrain from doing so.

I understand people have their own perspective and perception of beauty but even if you don't find someone to be appealing to your perception of beauty that doesn't mean you should personally go to their own fan pages/photos and post nasty comments about their looks. Those people see those comments. She reads those comments and messages on her fan page, she interacts with her fans on there. She is really nice and posts motivational stuff. She never goes to those people's pages/photos and insults their looks. Nicole Wilkins, Toni West, and Sarah Backmen and other female athletes with muscles have posted in the past that they have been very hurt by some of the very mean and insensitive insults that some people have posted on their pages and pictures. They have all said even if someone's physique/appearance was not their cup of tea, they wouldn't personally go to their page or photos and directly insult them like these people do to them. Don't go to their pages if you don't like them or how they look. Instead of insulting them directly on their pages like that just stop going to their pages all together. Those fan pages/pictures are for their fans, not for their haters to insult them.

If you want to voice your own opinion of not liking muscular women or a certain look then do it on your own page or a blog. But, don't go out of your way posting it directly on those people's pages/photos when they have done nothing to you personally and never went to your page or photos insulting you or your looks.

I think those that put in-shape and muscular women down are just jealous and are insecure about their own looks/body in some way. I think they must feel intimated by someone that actually puts effort and determination into something when they themselves don't/haven't.

Ladies don't be afraid to actually have some meat on your bones. Ladies don't be afraid of muscles. Some people really need to stop thinking muscles are only for men. Muscles aren't just for men anymore!!!! Strong is beautiful on women just as well as men. So go lift something ladies!!! Don't be afraid to be strong and don't listen to the haters. Let them motivate you instead of hindering your efforts.

Remember their insults against your looks are probably because they are insecure about their own looks. They feel they are lacking something and feel miserable about their own looks so they want to try to make you feel bad about yours too. There isn't one set definition of beauty so don't let them try to define you by their definition of beauty. Define your own beauty!

Misery loves company. So don't let them have the satisfaction of letting their insults make you feel as miserable as they are. Don't let them or their insults stop you from doing something with your life that they themselves are probably too lazy to do.

Pictures below are of some women with muscles that I admire and respect and I think they make muscles on women look beautiful! I think these women still look very feminine with muscles.
Nicole Wilkins

Sarah Backman

Sarah Backman
Andreia Brazier

Andreia Brazier
Andreia Brazier
Andreia Brazier
 Erin Stern
Erin Stern
Ashley Horner

Ashley Horner

Alyssa Stroud
Chazz Anderson

 Chazz Anderson

Chazz Anderson

Chazz Anderson

Chazz Anderson's bicep
Jen Jewell

Jen Jewell
Kasia Sitarz
Oksana Grishina

Oksana Grishina

Oksana Grishina
Dana Linn Bailey

 Raechelle Chase
 Raechelle Chase

Raechelle Chase