Reasons to not kill yourself.
Don't let those who are trying to break you down win.
Maybe you think it is too late for you, too late for you too do something or for something to happen for you. Don't think it is too late. As long as you are still breathing, it is never too late to do anything. As long as you are still alive you can still make an effort to try. As long as you are still alive there is still a chance... it is never too late. Don't live your life by someone else's time table. Just because someone did something at a certain age or something happened for them at a certain age, doesn't mean it has to happen for you at that same time/age. No matter what your age, you are never to old to fall in love, make a new friend, enjoy life, to make new goals and accomplish them.
Believe in yourself. Sometimes we feel like no one else believes in us, so it is very important that we believe in ourselves. Instead of wanting to end your life, believe that you can overcome any obstacle.
Trust yourself, not because you have always made the right choices, but because you survived the bad ones. Think of some other bad times in your life or bad choices you made or a mistake you made, you made it through them didn't you?

Remember, the thoughts that you think and the statements you make regarding yourself determine your mental attitude. If you keep having negative thoughts it can affect your mental attitude. Maybe... you have a worthwhile objective, but instead of focusing on the many reasons why you think you wont be able to achieve it, focus on the one reason why can or the one reason why you should. Try to find at least one good positive reason amongst the many negative reasons you might have.
If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you. Sometimes change can be good and sometimes challenges can be good for you. Instead of fearing change and challenges try finding the positive in them. Don't end your life because you are going through some challenges, because change and challenges can help you learn and grow. Don't always expect everything to be easy.
Most of the problems in life are because of two reasons: we act without thinking or we keep thinking without reacting. Some things in life need some time to think about them and some things require action to go long with our thinking. Find solutions to a problem, find a better way to handling something. Find a way to deal with it, get through it, or accept it, but don't end your life because of it.
Maybe you are tired of feeling a certain way or you are having trouble letting go of someone. Maybe you have said or done some things you regret and wish you could take back. Don't kill yourself because of feelings like that. You may not be able to undo all the things you have said and done in the past, but you don't have to let your past define you your whole life. You can change and make positive improvements to do better. Others will see the positive improvements you have made in your life and admire that you overcame your past. Find people who can accept your past and not hold it against you and can see you for who you are now.
You can't please everyone. Not everyone will always like you or agree with you and it will just cause you A LOT of stress and worry trying to please everyone. Don't kill yourself just because someone else doesn't like you or agree with you about something.
Don't put limits on yourself. Putting limits on yourself, whether physical or otherwise can spill over into the rest of you life. Don't let whatever difficult time you may be going through put limits on yourself. Don't let tough times put limits on your life by wanting to end your life, keep pushing forward to the next level. Don't limit yourself.
Strength doesn't come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn't. Maybe, you think you can't get through whatever it is you are going through and you think the only solution is to end your life. Instead try thinking of another bad time in your life that you once thought you couldn't get through, but you did get through it. If you got through that then try thinking that you can and that you will also get through whatever it is you are going through now in your life.
Sometimes the same things or people that use to be reasons that made you smile can become the same things and people that end up making you cry. That is no reason to kill yourself. It may be hard and may take some time, but you can find other people and other reasons to smile.
When you are tempted to give up on life, try thinking of at least one thing that you would miss if you would end your life. If you can at least think of one thing, one reason the not kill yourself, don't you think that one reason is worth living for? Don't focus on all the reasons why you want to end your life. Focus on the reason/s why you shouldn't, the things about life you would miss, the things that you will never get a chance to try or do again if you would end your life.
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